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We want to thank you for choosing adoption.
Please read before filling out the application:
All applicants must be at least 25 years of age.
Instructions for filling out the application:
1. Please list all people living in the household.
2. Please provide the Driver’s License or ID Card Number of the applicant (s).
3. If renting, please provide your landlord’s contact information. We will verify the applicant’s rental agreement allows pets.
4. Please list all current pets as well as past pets in the last 10 years.
5. Please provide the vet(s) you currently use or have used in the past 10 years. We will contact your vet for a vet reference to verify you take your pet(s) to the vet for routine vet care.
6. Please provide 2 personal references with contact information. We will contact your personal references with some basic questions about you as a pet parent.
Our goal for adoptable pets:
Our goal is to place our adoptable and fostered pets in safe and loving homes that are the best match for the pet(s). Adoptions are not based on first come first serve, but best matched home.
If you are FOSTER ONLY, some questions may not apply to you and will be noted as “NA for Foster Only.”